The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Hi everyone! I’m back with another book review! I read this book on my Scribd audiobook app! I read this in early to mid January.

I LOVE the cover!

What it’s about:

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a book about , you guessed it, Evelyn Hugo and her seven husbands. Evelyn Hugo is a well known Hollywood actress who was in her prime in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Think Marilyn Monroe/Elizabeth Taylor kind of famous. But it also has another main character named Monique Grant. Monique is a magazine reporter who isn’t very well known and Evelyn hasn’t done an interview in decades. So it surprises Monique that the famous Hollywood actress would ask for her specifically for an interview.

But when Monique gets to Evelyn’s home she is surprised when Evelyn asks her to write about her life instead. Monique does accept but starts with the question “Who was your true love?”

What I thought:

I rate this book: 5/5 stars.

I didn’t think I would love this book as much as I did, but when I started listening to it the story just captured me. I loved the old Hollywood vibe and Evelyn’s story will make you cry! I was up until 2 am for a couple nights while listening to this cause I had to know what was next!

I loved the LGBTQ+ representation that this book had as well. If you’re curious it has: F/F rep. and bisexual rep. I would 100% recommend this book to anyone! And I can’t wait for Taylor Jenkins Reid next novel!

And the narrator for the audiobook wasn’t bad. Her voice flowed with each character and I do recommend the audiobook.

Let me know in the comments:

Have you read this book?

What did you think?

Are you going to get Taylor’s new book?

Okay guys that’s it for today! Remember to always be kind and spread happiness!



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